On March 22, 2018, the Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, the cooperative organized a seminar ,,IN THE WINGS OF DESIGN – INTERIOR TRENDS 2018″ at the For Interior Spring trade fair, Prague.

Ing. Lucia Haraslínová, Ph.D., chairwoman of the KČN, welcomed all participants and informed about the activities of KČN within the OPPIK program. Partial results of the project “Development of new materials with improved mechanical and acoustic properties” were introduced by Ing. Vítězslav Gaja.

Ing. Helena Prokopová informed about current trends of upholstered seating and couching furniture – design, function, ergonomics, new materials and the way of their processing.

As another point of professional lectures followed by the presentation of Mgr. Radka Hozmanová “Feng Shui Interior Design – What is behind the design, what information we consciously work with and do not leave it to chance to create a concept suitable for family or collective”.

Ing, Iva Bastlova DiS. presented the trends “COLOR POWER, URBAN GREEN, PASTEL OASIS and IMPEREFECTION HOME”, followed by a guided tour of the exhibition Stage: Inspiration and Trends.

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